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Knitting & Cake!

I feel like time is running away from me at the moment, my diary is hectic and the days are just whizzing by. I’m sure I mentioned this last time too.

So much seems to be happening, there seems to be so much to do. The pre-Christmas race is on! Tomorrow, which will be today or maybe another day when you read this sees the start of my deep immersion into restorative yoga at Yoga campus in Manchester. I’m looking forward to it and also feeling apprehensive. It’ll be a long five days and I’m under no illusion that although I will be sinking into some beautiful yoga, there will also be a lot of note taking too. No sooner has that finished then I’m into part one of my Mindfulness Teacher Training. So I’m feeling thankful for the ten daily habit sheets we filled out at our Nurturing November time together, something to keep me grounded and make time for me, keep me sane when all around are losing their heads. I mustn’t grumble though as I have just spent a lovely relaxed weekend at the Kendal Mountain Festival in the company of friends and loved ones and listen to some beautiful poetry readings –my weakness is books and I bought four!! Though in my defence one is definitely a gift, one definitely isn’t and the other two well they’re in the maybe for Lyn pile! Most of the books were swimming related or at least had swimming or water related poetry. It was mighty cold in the campervan though I have to say even snuggled up in my big sleeping bag but I definitely be back next year.

Sacred Awakenings by Lyn HIll - Nurturing November

I’ve dipped my toe into the realms of Christmas a couple of presents have been bought and some gifts are in the process of being knitted, brewed or sewn. I do love spending time being creative and am looking forward to my train journeys to Manchester knitting needles in hand.

Sacred Awakenings Christmas hat - Lyn Hill

Christmas can be a difficult time for us for many reasons, why not come along to our evening of Fairies and Grinches we’ve teamed up with Being Better, the elves are in the process of helping Santa make the gifts so please do get your place booked on so you don’t miss out. There will be festive nibbles, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages carol singing and fun and laughter, though there maybe a tear shed too, but Christmas is a big bag of emotions that’s for sure. Follow the link to find out more.

So I briefly mentioned our Nurturing November event, we had a lovely afternoon cocooned in our cozy nests for mediation and yoga and there was cake! Which reminds me I said I’d share the recipe so here it is. I first tasted this cake when the lovely Jen Scotney made it for one of our yoga retreats and she recommends making the water, half water and half soya milk and leaving the lemon juice in the milk for a couple of minutes before mixing in which is what I have always done.

Now I must dash off and walk the dog and think about the shamanic drum journeys we will share tonight.

Take care, keep your heads in this manic time, enjoy your Christmas run-up don’t let things get on top of you. If you need sometime out come and join us at one of our events, whether it be the Fairies, Well Women (Womb) Yoga, whatever, you need maybe a one to one healing session.

Sacred Awakenings by Lyn Hill - Womb Yoga

Final Christmas mention for now – Gift vouchers available…….

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